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and manifest your next level now!

Join this 4 day Bodylove Experience to release old habits and create quantum change in your reality.

14th-17th March 2024

* Bodylove is a by donation event - after participating you can donate whatever is in your ❤️

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14th March 2024
3pm gmt

Kahreela An-Ra is an internationally recognised channel and alchemist healer. She is creator of the BODYLOVE series, which has helped people all over the world release cellular memories and habits that hold them back from manifesting the life they want.


Secure your place now for an unforgettable journey into the heart of transformation.


“The BODYLOVE field is one of thmost profound ascension spaces I have ever experienced!“


Feeling Stuck? 

Are your inner work, medicine and healing journeys not showing up in your everyday, real life, manifest reality?
This is because you haven’t changed the score within the body.
During these four sacred transmissions, you’ll REVEAL the stories that are keeping you stuck, by meeting yourself within the rituals of the body:

Rest is how we ACCEPT
Food is how we receive MORE
Beauty is how we hold our ENERGY
Exercise is how we create BELIEF

These BODYLOVE rituals are how you sustain the life force that creates your reality.
Changing them is the KEY to embodying it.

* Bodylove is a by donation event - after participating you can donate whatever is in your ❤️

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Bodylove Yourself Into Your Next Level

The BODYLOVE field will REVEAL the stories that you’re stuck in.


It will show you how to meet yourself in the score that the body keeps.

It will highlight what's holding you back from achieving your NEXT-LEVEL.


It won’t just show you the shadow, it will show you where and how you are keeping these stories alive and, most importantly, what you need to do to to become unstuck.

“I am convinced that Bodylove saved my life. It offered me pervasive hope & trust. My body was no longer my shield but my shelter. It brought me home to myself in the most profound & loving ways."


Join this 4 day Bodylove Experience to release old habits and create quantum change in your reality.

* Bodylove is a by donation event - after participating you can donate whatever is in your ❤️

Feeling resistance?

If you’ve made it all the way down here but there is powerful resistance rising in your body stopping you from hitting that sign up button...


Then you’re in the right place, because

this is the work of the BODYLOVE field at play.


The part of you that is resistant is the part of you that is unloved!

The field shows you how to love yourself into the next level.


These everyday rituals will be transformed into acts of self-love



It will take you beyond the surface level, into stripped-back, raw, honest, real self-care and teach you to reform your life.

Join this 4 day Bodylove Experience to release old habits and create quantum change in your reality.

Real love is scary! I get it.

That is why this is a LIVE-ONLY field that is going to hold you through the process.

It’s okay to be hesitant, it's part of the process!


Once you enter the BODYLOVE field, your life will never be the same, because you'll come face to face with the exact thing that has been holding you back all this time.

The truth is, this field is only for you if you are actually ready to change, because when you change the score within the body, you change it everywhere!


“Having done a lot of spiritual work but still witnessing limitation in my reality, this focus on embodiment was transformational.

The archetypal shadow work was so powerful, I reset my nervous system and shifted core issues that were blocking abundance.”



"I’ve just finished the Bodylove course and it was truly beyond words. …deep patterns of unkindness to myself have eased and transformed. I feel more equipped to be in life now, more of me is here."


* Bodylove is a by donation event - after participating you can donate whatever is in your ❤️

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