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Love Ceremony


14th February 2023   7pm - 10pm

Jing Massage, Brighton


Gratia and Kahreel are delighted to be holding space a Love Ceremony. This sacred circle is an inner journey to deepen the love that you have yourself. And invite love to flow more freely through your life. 


It is an opportunity to embody vibrations and meanings of love so that more love can flow through your life.


Nestled in frequencies of love, softness, and pleasure, we will open, unfold and experience love, discovering what it means to us and inviting intimacy, IN-TO-ME-I-SEE to teach us about being love living.



The Evening will include:


*Cacao Receptivity Healing

*Channeled Guidance
*Self Anointing Ceremony

*Sacred Intimacy Journey

*Amrita Self-love Rituals

*Heart Opening Kirtan 



This is an evening of ceremonally discovering the meanings of love and inviting them to overflow through us. 






So much love and healing to you all,


Starlight Temple Tribe



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Image by Susanna Marsiglia
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