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Heal Tiredness Wound
Image by Igor Kasalovic


Reclaim your Life Force Energy​

Image by Knut Troim

From Tired to Alive




This course is a sacred online Temple Alchemy Healing Journey.


We go deep into our own life force energy and un-earth the deep rooted causes of we are not living to our full capacity,  


This is a transformational deep-dive to heal the patterns of Tiredness and energetic fatigue and Reclaim our life force energy


It is time for us to grow out of the Inner Energy Crisis that we have collectively been living through


And instead We will THRIVE! 

Leaf Stem


When we talk about Life force energy, the core of truly being alive, we often stumble upon the over used phrase 'I am tired' so in order to transcend these feelings we need to truly understand them first...



What is Tiredness?


It is a message!


A message that says:


“Hey you, beautiful wonderful being! You are not in alignment. Get back into alignment. Don’t waste your energy on that which isn’t right for your soul.”


Tiredness is a sign that your energy is being misused. Specifically, when our Life Force Energy has been wasted. This happens when our subconscious patterns cause us to expend the energy of our bodies and we become depleted.


When energy is kept in the body, it self-generates and we feel joy and fulfilment. This is when we are living life beautifully. Cast out of the body, energy fades away and we feel drained, tired, less able to cope, less healthy, etc.


When Life Force energy (spirit energy) remains inside our body, we come into alignment. Tiredness expresses itself via the symptom of being out of alignment.


We must stop wasting our Life-Force energy! It is the juice of our own fulfilment! Our tiredness is letting us know that the energy for our BEST LIFE is not in our body.

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What are the patterns of tiredness? 


The patterns of tiredness are habitual ways in which we misuse our Life Force energy or allow it to leave our body. We live these patterns all the time. This is why we are tired all the time. Every time we mis-use it, we are wasting the juice which is the Key to living our best life! 



The six main patterns that cause tiredness are:















“The gifts that the Revive course has given me will surely shine throughout the REST of my life.


I recall years ago running into a friend and they asked me how I was. I responded "Good, tired." She responded, "Well of course you're always tired, I don’t think in the 40+ years I have known you there was ever a time you weren’t tired.


I was shocked by that response, I had never even given it a thought or realized that I was always tired, it was just part of my life part. When I was young, I blamed it on being a single mother, as I grew older, I blamed it on my work schedule and the pressures of life.


Now thanks to Starlight Temple's Revive course on Tiredness I have finally released the tiredness, learning through my shadow what has made, trapped and kept me tired.


The greatest gift I received was the ability to release the trapping from the past as well as the ability to see the patterns that create them so that I can break these patterns and live a more joyous and energetic life.


I just have to say I cannot thank Starlight Temple enough. This was by far one of the most amazing courses I have participated in so far. In my opinion, this is an absolute must-have for anyone who wants to live a full life with greater ease and more joy.”


- La’leela

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How does the course heal the Patterns of Tiredness?


The patterns are habitual.

We do them out of habit subconsciously.


This course teaches awareness and how to become conscious of each pattern. Once we are conscious of something, we can change it. 


This is what is known as Illuminating the Shadows. All patterns in our system are rooted in the subconscious. The name for the subconscious-self is the Shadow. This course helps to access the Shadow and heal the root causes of tiredness patterns. 


For each pattern, the course provides in-depth explanations that help with understanding and identifying our patterns, simple practices for breaking the patterns, and Temple Alchemy Healing for the root causes of the patterns.


The Temple Alchemy Healing process accesses the subconscious in a gentle, dream-like, and safe way. It is within this that we can be guided to find the roots of our patterns before allowing the Alchemy to create an energy release from the Root Wound by recycling the energy back into neutral Prana. The Alchemy Process in all shadow healing turns wounds into neutral energy and, because it creates new energy, it is the perfect medicine for Tiredness patterns!!! 


In addition to Temple Alchemy, this incredible course uses other wonderful multi-dimensional healing processes to revive and restore Life Force energy to enable opening up to living life fully charged.

A stream in the forest


What is included?​

*Opening & Closing Ceremony


*Life Force Cafe access and support for one month


*How to get the most out of the course guidance 


*What is Tiredness giving me? An Intention Setting Journey


*Guidance on how to heal through Shadow Work


*6 Temple Alchemy sessions - one for each pattern. Each will include:

- Releasing and Recycling the root causes from the subconscious level of self

- Receiving Light Chamber Repair on the Life Force Patterns

- Reviving and Restoring our Energy in Nature Landscape Bubbles

- Vision and Alignment Transmission

- Venus Star Multiple Pattern Healing

- Sacred Rest-Trust-Repair Practice

- Integration Advice


*Also Included is an on-going Revive Resources Space.

The resource space means it is easy for you to access the descriptions of each pattern and guidance on how to shift them the moment you notice them.



Kahreela is always adding more tips and advice to this resources space

Every time a new piece of guidance is channeled it will be added to this space and everyone who does the course will receive permanent access to the Resources.



How do I know if this process is for me?

Do you truly feel you are living a life that feels ALIVE? Can you feel your own Life force energy coursing through your Energetic bodies?

If the answer is 'No' or even a 'Yes, but...' then this process is for you! If you feel you fatigued or tired then listen up...

Your tiredness is getting your attention for a reason. It is trying to have a conversation with you. Your tiredness is letting you know what is out of alignment.  


The healing happens through the conversation that you have with your tiredness via this course. You don’t need to have experience in channeling, self-work, shadow work, or any of the energetic practices in this course. We take you through it all step-by-step. If you get stuck or need help or want to ask a question you can come to any of the Live Sanctuary offerings for space holder guidance and support.



"Revive 2022 was a deep, emotional dive into my energetic causes of tiredness. I had to take a long hard look at the behaviours I had thought were helping me, but were in fact stopping me from receiving the amazing life I deserve. I learned so much about myself, all the ways I give my energy away, and how I can make long-lasting changes to stop doing that. The group I was with were open-hearted, brave, supportive and loving.


This course was life-changing! So many of my friends who I have told about it want to know more, and I’ve been able to offer suggestions with the knowledge I gained. I cannot praise Kahreela and the Starlight Tribe enough."


- Melanie xx


Healing Tiredness deposit
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Who created the course?


This course was channeled. The wisdom and the healing in it comes from Spirit. In particular, the Starbeings, Goddess Laxmi. the Presti, and the Spirits of Nature.


Kahreela Anhara has been a direct Voice Channel since 2010.

She has been invited to channel and teach at many events in the UK, Europe, Japan and the USA. 


Her online courses have helped people all over the world become more connected to their path and inner magic.


Through Starlight Temple she and her guides have held space for Shadow Healing Courses and Events for over 7 years. Kahreela has helped 1000s of people all over the world to create real change in themselves and their realities by meeting and healing their shadows.


In groups and on sacred land work pilgrims, she has worked tirelessly to assist the healing and illumination of collective shadows.


Temple Alchemy is a channeled process that is unique to Starlight Temple, and it is the most powerful and simple tool for Shadow healing that we know of. We have been using it to change our lives as an act of inner activism since 2016. 


We have held space for many different Shadow subjects, courses and processes, and humbly believe that healing our shadows is the way home - the way humanity will become what we are meant to be. 


​​​Book to secure your place

Full Course Investment normally £288 






Please read Starlight's Course Guidelines before purchasing this course. On purchasing this course you are agreeing to these principles.


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